Welcome. This Art Master Online website is a collection of some of my most popular work to date.
I hope you enjoy browsing the site. If you have any comments or questions relating to my paintings then please feel free to get in touch.
A bit about myself: I was born in the East-end of Glasgow, graduated from Glasgow University in 1974 with a Law Degree, and then went on to run my own law firm for the next 30 years. Throughout that time, although I was a Lawyer by profession I was really an Artist at heart.
I am self-taught. I have always had a keen interest in the visual aspects of Art i.e. cinema, photography and painting: I have a loving for the richness of colour.
I have had many Exhibitions to date (including several one-man Exhibitions). The different mediums of Oils, Acrylics, Pastels and Charcoals have been used to create strong, vivid paintings, which I hope have produced a striking original image and bring pleasure to the viewer.
If you would like to have a Print of any of my paintings, or even commission a work of your own, please feel free to contact me or simply send your order via this site.